This article will answer the following questions:

How to learn everyday French?
What are the common French expressions for daily conversations?
How to speak authentic French for daily conversations?
How to speak real everyday French?
How to learn conversational French?
What is the French vocabulary for daily conversations?
How to improve my conversational French?
How to speak the real French spoken in France?
What are the common French phrases for talking with French people?
How to learn daily French expressions?
What are the techniques to speak fluent French?
How to speak French like a native?
What is the vocabulary and expressions of daily French?
How to learn everyday spoken French for beginners?
How to speak the authentic French of daily conversations?
How to understand everyday French?
How to learn common conversations in French?
What are the French expressions for everyday situations?
What are the tips and tricks to speak everyday French?
What are the useful phrases in French for common conversations?

Du coup - [dy ku]

Definition in French: Used to indicate a consequence or a result (so, as a result)

Exemple: Il pleuvait, du coup on est restés à la maison.


Au fait - [o fɛ]

Definition in French: Used to introduce a subject that is not directly related to the ongoing conversation (by the way)

Exemple: Au fait, tu sais que Marie a déménagé ?


En fait - [ɑ̃ fɛt]

Definition in French: Used to correct or clarify information (actually)

Exemple: Je pensais que le film Ă©tait Ă  20h. En fait, il commence Ă  19h30.


Pas mal - [pa mal]

Definition in French: Used to express moderate positive appreciation (not bad)

Exemple: Comment Ă©tait ton week-end ? Pas mal, merci.


Bof - [bɔf]

Definition in French: Used to express indifference or lack of enthusiasm (meh)

Exemple: Tu veux aller au cinéma ce soir ? Bof, pourquoi pas.


Ça marche - [sa maʁʃ]

Definition in French: Used to indicate acceptance or agreement (that works)

Exemple: On se retrouve à 18h ? Oui, ça marche.


Ça te dit ? - [sa tə di]

Definition in French: Used to propose something (do you feel like)

Exemple: Ça te dit d'aller boire un cafĂ© aprĂšs le travail ?


T'inquiĂšte - [tɛ̃kjɛt]

Definition in French: Used to reassure someone (don't worry)

Exemple: T'inquiĂšte, tout va bien se passer.


À plus tard - [a ply taʁ]

Definition in French: Used to say goodbye with the intention of seeing the person later (see you later)

Exemple: Je dois y aller, Ă  plus tard !


C'est pas grave - [se pa gʁav]

Definition in French: Used to minimize the importance of a problem (it's not a big deal)

Désolé pour le retard.
C'est pas grave.


Ouais - [wɛ]

Definition in French: Informal variant of "oui" (yeah)

Tu viens ce soir ?
Ouais, bien sûr.


Nickel - [nikɛl]

Definition in French: Used to say that something is perfect or very good (perfect)

Exemple: Comment était ton examen ? Nickel, j'ai tout réussi.


Ça roule - [sa ʁul]

Definition in French: Used to say that everything is fine or in order (everything's fine)

On commence Ă  9h demain ?
Oui, ça roule.


VoilĂ  - []

Definition in French: Used to indicate something or conclude an explanation (there you go)

Exemple: J'ai fini de réparer ton vélo, voilà.


Ben - [bɛ̃]

Definition in French: Used to mark hesitation or reflection (well)

Tu viens avec nous ce soir ?
Ben, je ne sais pas encore.


Mince - [mɛ̃s]

Definition in French: Used to express disappointment or surprise (darn, shoot)

Exemple: Mince, j'ai oublié mes clés à la maison.


Un truc - [tryk]

Definition in French: Used to refer to something whose name one can't recall (thing)

Exemple: Tu me passes le truc sur la table, s'il te plaĂźt ?


C'est parti - [se paʁti]

Definition in French: Used to indicate that something is starting (let's go)

Exemple :

On y va ?

Oui, c'est parti !


Laisse tomber - [lɛs tɔ̃be]

Definition in French: Used to tell someone to give up or not worry about something (forget it)

Exemple :
Tu voulais me dire quelque chose ?
Non, laisse tomber, ce n'est pas important.


Je file - [ʒə fil]

Definition in French: Used to say that one is leaving quickly (I gotta go)

Exemple: Désolé, je file, j'ai un rendez-vous.


CarrĂ©ment - [kaʁeman]

Definition in French: Used to express strong agreement or intensity (absolutely, totally)

Exemple :
Tu veux venir Ă  la plage ?
Carrément !


Bref - [bʁɛf]

Definition in French: Used to summarize or conclude a story (in short)

Exemple: Bref, on a passé une super journée.


Un coup de main - [ku də mɛ̃]

Definition in French: Used to ask for or offer help (helping hand)

Exemple: Tu as besoin d'un coup de main pour déménager ?


Tiens - [tjɛ̃]

Definition in French: Used to attract attention or express surprise (hey, look)

Exemple: Tiens, regarde qui voilĂ  !


Ça m'est Ă©gal - [sa mɛt egal]

Definition in French: Used to say that something does not matter to you (I don't mind)

Exemple: On regarde un film ou une sĂ©rie ? Ça m'est Ă©gal.


Tu parles - [ty paʁl]

Definition in French: Used to express disbelief or doubt (yeah, right)

Exemple: Il a dit qu'il ferait le ménage. Tu parles !


Comme d'hab - [kɔm dab]

Definition in French: Abbreviation of "comme d'habitude", used to say that something happens as usual (as usual)

Exemple: Alors, ce matin ? Rien de spécial, comme d'hab.


Ça fait un bail - [sa fɛ ɛ̃ baj]

Definition in French: Used to say that it has been a long time (it's been a while)

Exemple: Salut, ça fait un bail qu'on ne s'est pas vus !


Y a pas de souci - [ja pa də susi]

Definition in French: Used to say that there is no problem (no problem)

Exemple :
Merci pour ton aide.
Y a pas de souci !


Peinard - [penaʁ]

Definition in French: Used to say that one is calm or at ease (chill, relaxed)

Exemple: Il passe sa journée peinard sur le canapé.


Chiant - [ʃjɑ̃]

Definition in French: Used to say that something is boring or annoying (annoying, boring)

Exemple: Ce devoir est vraiment chiant, je n'en peux plus.


Pas terrible - [pa teʁibl]

Definition in French: Used to say that something is not very good (not great)

Exemple :
Comment Ă©tait le restaurant ?
Pas terrible, je ne recommande pas.


Tu m'Ă©tonnes - [ty metɔn]

Definition in French: Used to express agreement or understanding with a nuance of irony (no kidding)

Exemple :
La météo est pourrie, on va passer un mauvais été.
Tu m'Ă©tonnes.


À toute - [a tut]

Definition in French: Abbreviation of "Ă  toute Ă  l'heure", used to say goodbye with the intention of seeing the person soon (see you soon)

Exemple: Je vais au magasin, Ă  toute !


Piger - [piʒe]

Definition in French: Slang for understanding (to understand)

Exemple: Tu as pigé ce qu'il faut faire pour l'examen ?


Grave - [gʁav]

Definition in French: Used to reinforce a statement, often positively (totally, really)

Exemple: Ce concert Ă©tait grave bien !


Ça craint - [sa kʁɛ̃]

Definition in French: Used to say that something is bad or risky (that sucks, that's risky)

Exemple: Aller dans ce quartier la nuit, ça craint.


Ça me gonfle - [sa mə gɔ̃fl]

Definition in French: Used to express annoyance or boredom (it annoys me)

Exemple: Cette réunion qui n'en finit pas, ça me gonfle !


À fond - [a fɔ̃]

Definition in French: Used to say that something is done with a lot of energy or enthusiasm (full on, all the way)

Exemple :
Tu es prĂȘt pour le marathon ?
Oui, Ă  fond !


Ça m'arrange - [sa maʁɑ̃ʒ]

Definition in French: Used to say that something suits you (that works for me)

Exemple :
Tu préfÚres qu'on se voit à 18h ou 19h ?
18h, ça m'arrange.


Se dĂ©brouiller - [sə debʁuje]

Definition in French: Used to say that one manages to do something despite difficulties (to manage)

Exemple :
Non, je vais me débrouiller.
Tu n'as pas besoin d'aide ?