The Ohlala French Bundle
Everything you need to
finally speak French is here!
Lessons, daily practice, follow-up and caring community
I'd like you to think about the first time you spoke French with a native for long hours.
Do you remember that feeling of pride and accomplishment?
Or maybe that moment hasn't come for you yet.
So imagine this:
You're invited to a terrace bar in Paris by your French friends or colleagues.
The conversation is lively, and you're all laughing together for hours.
Everyone is sharing anecdotes, and you understand absolutely everything.
(They understand you perfectly too.)
Your French isn't limited to a certain vocabulary, so you can talk about more complex things fluently, without searching for words.
You can finally show your true personality as if you were speaking in your native language
Maybe today you’ve tried to reach this stage (or you dream about it) – but despite the private lessons, courses, and books you’ve bought...
😓 You still don’t feel comfortable speaking with French people.
I understand.
  • You’re afraid of making grammar mistakes.
  • You’re worried that people will make fun of your accent and pronunciation.
  • You’re scared they won’t understand what you’re saying.
  • You lack vocabulary.
If that’s the case, it’s truly a sign from fate that you’ve landed on this page.
Because today, on this page only, I’m going to share with you :
the 3-step method validated by over thousand of students that will help you overcome all these fears once and for all.
It’s something you’ve never seen online before...
You will finally be able to show your true personality and speak French fluently with natives, in any type of conversation, even complex ones.
Thanks to this, integrating into life in France will be a breeze for you.
You’ve tried everything in French, but it has never worked... Why?
So if today you want to live and integrate into life in France, mastering French is essential.
Maybe you’ve invested a fortune in online courses or books...
Maybe you’re currently farming streaks on Duolingo...
Yet, despite all your efforts, you still can’t speak fluently with French people.
In fact, if none of these well-marketed methods are working, it’s because they don’t target the real core of the problem.
The real problem is that fear that holds you back when you try to speak with a native.
You feel stuck, and it frustrates you.
Deep down, you’re afraid of encountering that “grammar intolerant” person.
You know, that heartless person who gives strange looks, judges your pronunciation, mocks your accent, or lists all your grammar mistakes, like saying ‘la’ instead of ‘le’ ...
Just the thought of coming across these people paralyzes you every time you want to practice...
“I need a perfect accent”
“I must make zero mistakes”
“I have to have perfect pronunciation”
This is called linguistic insecurity.
It’s a HUGE WALL that will always prevent you from speaking freely with a native.
And unfortunately, it’s not something you can overcome by following French teachers on Instagram, watching all the free lessons on YouTube, and downloading thousands of language apps.
Actually, the solution to breaking down this wall is to reach a stage of “linguistic security”.
It’s a place where this fear no longer exists.
It’s a stage where you can express yourself freely without being afraid of making mistakes.
This means you’ll be able to speak fluently with total confidence in your abilities.
Words will naturally come out of your mouth.
No more stress before speaking on the phone...
If all of this resonates with you, keep reading...
Because I’m about to reveal how to achieve linguistic security with a simple method based on 3 pillars.
Even though improving your listening comprehension is a great start, you need more than just YouTube videos or podcasts, as they don’t truly reflect how native speakers actually speak.
In those, people often talk more slowly and use beginner-level vocabulary. (So relying on apps like Duolingo that revolve around basic vocabulary won’t get you very far...)
What you need is to learn French as it's really spoken by natives.
Focus on learning grammar in context, so you know how to use it naturally in conversations.
Concentrate on mastering the most common grammatical structures and practical vocabulary that will actually help you in real-life interactions.
Additionally, improving your pronunciation through techniques like shadowing, where you mimic a native speaker, will help you speak more fluently and confidently.
This approach allows you to understand native speakers even when they talk fast and helps you incorporate idioms, slang, and everyday shortcuts into your conversations.
The second pillar is to practice regularly with a language partner.
Yes, I know, it sounds like 'Thanks, Captain Obvious' ...
But it’s common to see people nowadays trying to practice by talking to an AI... However, nothing replaces interaction with real people.
And maybe you’ve already tried the language exchange app Tandem.
The problem with that app is that most users prefer to talk exclusively through text... Add to that the time zone differences, people ghosting you, and those asking if you already have a 'boyfriend' ...
There are very few opportunities to practice speaking.
The same goes for the Alliance Française; you won’t get much speaking time (or zero), especially if you’re in a class with several people. (Not to mention that the price is quite high.)
In fact, I’ve noticed that my best students who speak French fluently practice speaking on average 2/3 hours per week.
So what you need to do is find one or more serious people with matching schedules to practice regularly every week for several months.
This way, your pronunciation and accent will improve.
You’ll be able to hold longer conversations and improve your speaking fluency.
Now, okay, you can express yourself clearly thanks to Pillar 2, but you’re still not safe from making grammar mistakes...
That’s where Pillar 3 comes in...
The third pillar is getting constant feedback from a native French teacher.
So maybe today you’re wondering, “Why do the French make everything so complicated?”
You can’t manage to form sentences correctly because you’re missing just one little word...
And because of these constant doubts, you often find yourself hesitating and getting stuck...
The problem is that no one explains to you why the grammar is like that or why you have to pronounce things a certain way...
Having a kind native French teacher by your side allows you to receive personalized feedback and improve both your speaking and writing.
You’ll be able to speak quickly without hesitation and without making grammar mistakes.
So, to summarize, if you want to overcome linguistic insecurity, you need to:
  • Learn the French that French people actually speak
  • Practice regularly with one or more language partners at least 2/3 times a week for several months
  • Receive feedback to correct your grammar and pronunciation mistakes
Once this method is applied, you’ll be able to understand and be easily understood by native French speakers.
So, right now you must be excited about finally have the solution to speak French fluently...
But the problem is that...
“Finding a language partner is hard”
“If I want to practice frequently, it’s going to cost me an arm and a leg”
“It requires a lot of organization and I don’t have the time”
And honestly, these are super legitimate concerns...
If you feel a bit like “Hey, where do I start?” then I have good news for you...
Because today, I’m proud to introduce you to my program that incorporates the principles of the 3-pillar method :
The Ohlala French Bundle
1 French lessons (vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation) with a focus on communication
You learn grammar in context and know how to use it in your conversations. You learn the French that French people really use. You improve your pronunciation through the powerful shadowing method.
2Daily practice in a conversation group to regularly practice your spoken French.
There are 8 classes per week (duration of each class: 1 hour). Every class takes place on Zoom with a teacher to help you practice speaking and answer your questions. And no, don’t worry, this isn’t a class where the teacher reads off slides for an hour… It’s a place where you can practice your French with others at your level.
3Receive personalized corrections on your speaking expression exercises
Related to all the communication lessons you'll have access to in the first pillar. You record via your phone or computer, send it to your native teacher, and within a maximum of 72 hours, they’ll send you personalized feedback on your French, precisely guiding you on the areas you need to improve.
Tu me connais probablement grâce à Instagram ou à ma chaîne YouTube, où je publie régulièrement du contenu éducatif, suivi par plus de 400 000 abonnés et comptabilisant plus de 3,65 millions de vues.
Comment tout a commencé ?
Eh bien, lorsque j'ai commencé à enseigner, j'ai fait une découverte surprenante : la plupart des expatriés et des touristes apprenaient un « vieux français » que les Français n'utilisent jamais.
Ainsi, lorsqu'ils arrivaient en France, ils avaient du mal à comprendre les locaux et à se faire comprendre.
C'est pour cette raison que j'ai créé une école en ligne, Ohlala French Course, où j'aide les apprenants de niveau intermédiaire et avancé à parler un français réel, un français authentique.
Aujourd'hui, avec mon école, j'ai déjà aidé plus de mille étudiants à communiquer de manière plus naturelle et plus confiante avec les Français.
Comme toi, ces apprenants de français avaient un objectif commun : parler un français naturel, être compris par les locuteurs natifs et les comprendre à leur tour.
Take a look to the bundle :
  • French lessons
  • Personalized corrections
  • Conversation group
  • French’s community
Learn the right vocabulary and use grammar correctly when you speak (from A2 to C1 level)
  • Communication goal-focused lessons: learn the vocabulary and grammar you need when discussing a specific topic in French
  • Pronunciation exercises to improve your fluency using the Shadowing method (You imitate a native speaker to speak like them )
  • Improve all your skills (speaking, listening, writing, and reading) with a strong focus on oral skills.
  • Learn at your own pace: lessons to follow independently whenever and wherever you want.
  • Interactive, fun, and strategic digital tools to enhance long-term memory retention.
  • Online platform available on computer, phone, or tablet with access to all lessons.
  • Monthly updates and new lesson additions.
The Netflix of French
All this lessons + workbooks (PDF) are located inside your private member portal you can access 24/7- any time you want.
Receive personalized corrections on your French (grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) to improve quickly and efficiently.
For all communication lessons, you’ll be given an oral expression exercise:
  • You record yourself (via your phone, computer, etc.) answering one or more questions.
  • You send your recording to your dedicated native teacher.
  • Within 72 hours, you receive full feedback on your French: corrections on your grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation errors + tips to further improve your French.
  • You follow the teacher’s advice and make progress!
Learn French at your own, but not alone!
The lessons are to be followed independently, but that doesn’t mean you’re on your own! A teacher is there for you, to guide and correct you. You have the flexibility to learn autonomously and at your own pace, but with all the benefits of having a teacher by your side. No time pressure!
Put into practice all the French you’re learning in REAL conversations in French.
  • Access 8 conversation sessions per week. No more excuses for not having opportunities to practice your French!
  • One theme per week with self-study preparation: listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary exercises, and conversation topic questions (so you'll always know what to talk about).
  • Conversation with one or two language partners at the same level as you, guided by a native teacher.
  • Notes and corrections from the teacher at the end of each conversation session (and they will answer all your questions about French!).
Practice makes perfect progress and confidence!
It’s great to follow lessons, but you absolutely need to practice your French in addition! Thanks to the conversation group, you’ll express yourself naturally in French, gain confidence in speaking, improve your fluency, and be better understood by the French.
Receive daily support in your French learning journey
  • A strong and supportive community (some learners have become friends and even met in person ❤)
  • Weekly conversations between native teachers and French learners
  • Ask your questions in French and receive daily help
  • Fun exercises throughout the week
Daily Support for Constant Progress
Learning French doesn’t have to be a solo journey! With our daily support, you’ll be part of a dynamic and positive community. Imagine a space where you can ask questions in French, get daily help, and practice with native teachers and other learners.
Receive my course as a gift
“30 Days to Understand the French”
  • Week 1: Slang
  • Week 2: Verlan
  • Week 3: Idiomatic Expressions
  • Week 4: Spoken French
Access to my premium podcast Ohlala la France ! + for FREE!
The podcast that helps you improve your French and better understand France, the French people, their lives, and their culture.
  • Interactive exercises
  • Personalized corrections
  • Full transcripts of each episode
  • Access to exclusive episodes
  • A community of motivated learners
What my students are saying :
This bundle is NOT for you if:
  • You are a beginner in French
  • You are not autonomous in your learning
  • You are looking for private lessons
  • You want to speak French very quickly within a few weeks
  • You are not patient and consistent in your French learning
This bundle is for you if:
  • You have at least an A2 level in French
  • You have a good foundation in French but struggle when you have to speak
  • You are an expat or travel often to France and want to have spontaneous conversations with natives
  • You are ready to work regularly on your French: follow the lessons, submit your speaking exercises, and participate in the conversation sessions
The Ohlala French Bundle includes:
  • Relevant French lessons from A2 to C1 level (lifetime access)
  • Personalized corrections on your French (one-year access)
  • Weekly conversation sessions (one-year access)
  • A kind and supportive community (lifetime access)
  • Exclusive bonuses (lifetime access)
The Ohlala French Bundle
Access to :
  • French lessons (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, communication) from A2 to C1 level (life access)
    Value 348€
  • Personnalized corrections from a native teacher (one year access)
    Value 588€
  • Access to 8 French conversation session per week (one year access)
    Value 564€
  • WhatApps group to discuss and exchange in French (life access)
    Value 205€
  • My course “30 days to understand the French”
    Value 250€
  • Access to my premium podcast Ohlala la France ! +
    Value 72€
Value of the course : 2027€
Your price : 897€
Or payment in 4 for installment (no fees) with Paypal : 224,25€
– 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee –
I am so confident in my program that by accessing it, you have 14 days to try it out, change your mind, and request a refund* if you wish. No justification is needed.
*Banking fees related to your country (typically between €15 and €50) will be deducted from the refund.
Verdiana | Italia | B1 level
I wanted to improve my French, and I especially needed to get used to speaking and listening in French, but also grammar and vocabulary lessons. So, Ohlala French Course is perfect for me! It has everything! It’s a complete course with grammar and vocabulary lessons, new written exercises every week, and the most important thing for me, a lot of joy during the conversation sessions each week. It’s a perfect French immersion without going to France. The price for all of this together is unbeatable and very affordable. It’s fantastic! The teacher always answers all the doubts and questions in class or on the private WhatsApp group. That really helps with learning.
Paul | USA | B1 level
I decided to join Ohlala French Course for the opportunity to practice 3-4 times a week. The quality and friendliness of the students are truly amazing. I had enjoyed the private lessons, so I already knew there would be well-prepared materials. I love Ohlala French Course for the interaction with other students and the lessons learned along the way. For me, it’s like a continuation of the habits I had developed before, and an extra source of motivation.
Nastya | Russie | Niveau A2
I really like the Ohlala French Course because I was able to start speaking in a short time . The topics of the lessons are always interesting, and the atmosphere is conducive to speaking up. Manon always helps you, she tries to understand you, and you can always ask her questions. The material used for the lessons is of very high quality. In class, we work on all aspects of the language: speaking, listening, reading, and grammar. I’m very happy to work with Manon because I’ve achieved excellent results in a short time!
Federica | Italia | B2 level
Manon is the best teacher ever! I love her method because she creates the perfect balance between grammar explanations and oral interaction. The study material is always clear and useful, and the topics she chooses for our conversations are very interesting. My French has improved a lot in a short time, and I’ve also gained more confidence. Not only is she an excellent teacher, but she’s also a wonderful person. I’m quite shy, but she always managed to make me feel comfortable! I’m very happy with her lessons and highly recommend them without hesitation :)
Kelly | Australia | B2 level
I was reluctant to speak french with other non-french people. I didn’t think it would be useful as we can’t correct each other but actually it is useful. It has given me confidence to speak and improve with more fluidity and we don’t need to be corrected all the time. It is just useful to practice talking. It doesn’t have to be perfect just understandable.
Anna | Poland | B1 level
I’m happy to have found this school. I think the greatest value is that there are lessons every day, and each topic is prepared based on authentic material. All the students genuinely want to improve their French. The discussions are always very interesting. The price is very reasonable. I definitely recommend this school to anyone who wants to improve their French.
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