Ohlala French Course provides you with a level test to assess your knowledge of French and determine your level according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

This test evaluates your written and oral comprehension in French. It is an estimate of your level and not a certification. This test does not evaluate your oral and written expression.

You have plenty of time to answer questions.

The proposed questions will sometimes be easy, sometimes difficult. Do not worry, it's normal in order to correctly evaluate your level.

For this test, you will need headphones or earphones for listening comprehension.

At the end of the test, your result will be given to you as a score. Your level according to the repository CEFR will also be given to you:

  • A1 = Introductory or discovery
  • A2 = Intermediate or usual
  • B1 = Threshold
  • B2 = Advanced or independent
  • C1 = Autonomous
  • C2 = Mastery

The correction of the test will also be offered to see where you have correctly or incorrectly answered.

A summary of your result and your level will be sent to you by email.

Result of your French level test :
You have the level:
Do you want to go to the next level ?
Do you want to keep your level ?
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