À ce moment-là

"À ce moment-là" means at that specific time or at that exact point in time.

For example, if I say: À ce moment-là, je ne connaissais pas Julie.,

It means that at that specific moment in the story, I didn't know Julie.

It's an expression that is often used to talk about the past. We point to a specific moment in the past to indicate something.



En ce moment

"À ce moment-là" is often confused with "En ce moment". But, they don't have the same meaning at all!

"À ce moment-là" is used to talk about the past. While "En ce moment" is used to talk about the present.

"En ce moment" means currently or now.

For example: En ce moment, je travaille sur un nouveau projet passionnant.

This means that I am working on this exciting project right now, these last days, recently.



Au même moment

"Au même moment" means simultaneously or at the same time.

We are talking about two actions happening simultaneously at the same moment.

For example: Au même moment, ils ont réalisé qu'ils avaient fait une erreur.

It means that both people realized their mistake at the same time.




Au dernier moment

"Au dernier moment" means at the last minute or just before it's too late.

For example: J'ai réussi à terminer mon travail au dernier moment.

It means that I finished my work just before the deadline.



Du moment que

"Du moment que" is used to indicate a condition. It means as long as.

For example: Du moment que tu rentres à temps pour le dîner, tu peux sortir avec tes amis.

So, if you come home in time for dinner, you have permission to go out with your friends.



À un moment donné

"À un moment donné" means at a certain point in time or on a certain occasion.

For example: À un moment donné, il a décidé de changer de carrière.

It means that there was a specific moment when this person made this decision.



Au moment de

"Au moment de" means at the time of or at the beginning of.

For example: Au moment de partir, elle a oublié son sac à main.


It means that she forgot her purse just as she was about to leave the place.



Pour le moment

"Pour le moment" means for now or currently.

For example: Pour le moment, je ne peux pas te répondre, je suis occupé.

It means that at this precise moment, I am too busy to answer you, but it does not mean that I will never answer you. It simply indicates that for now, I cannot do it.



See you soon for new adventures, in French of course! 🇫🇷